Golang encoding/base32.Encoding.EncodedLen function example
package encoding/base32
EncodedLen returns the length in bytes of the base32 encoding of an input buffer of length n(1st parameter).
Golang encoding/base32.Encoding.EncodedLen function usage example
// Base32ExtEncode encodes binary data to base32 extended (RFC 4648) encoded text.
func Base32ExtEncode(data []byte) (text []byte) {
n := base32.HexEncoding.EncodedLen(len(data)) // <--- EncodedLen
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, n))
encoder := base32.NewEncoder(base32.HexEncoding, buf)
if buf.Len() != n {
panic("internal error")
return buf.Bytes()
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